We offer Sunday School for all levels -- Kindergarten through Adult. 

We invite you to join us each Sunday from 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM.

Class Offerings

  • Our K-7 classes will be exploring the New Testament classes this fall.

    K-3rd grade

    Led by Christina Thompson

    Room 5

    4th - 7th Grade

    Led by Kevin Smith

    Room 11

  • 8th - 12th Grade

    Sermon discussion Led by Michelle Selvaggio

    Room 7

  • This is a discussion group for students, faculty, and staff serving in institutions of higher education. We meet on Sundays, from 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM. Discussion topics vary, reflecting the group members’ current interests and concerns, but generally focus on the question of how to stay faithful in a secular university. Show up on any Sunday, or contact Esa R. (esa.rantanen@rit.edu) if you would like more information. Begins September 22 in room 2.

  • Beginning September 22, 2024, at 11:30 AM, we will offer the following adult class:

    Life In A Negative World Book Discussion

    Dates: September 22 - October 6

    Facilitated by: Pastor Anthony

    Book: Life In A Negative World, by Aaron Renn.

    Location: Sanctuary

    The following classes will begin on October 13:

    1. Heidelberg Catechism Class

    Dates: October 13 - June 8

    Facilitated by: Dave Dill, Chris Hall, & Jeff Harp

    Topic: Heidelberg Catechism

    Location: church lounge

    2.  The Promise Keeper

    Covenant Theology Class

    Dates: October 13th- TBD

    Facilitated by: Jim & Kathy Quinn

    Topic: Discussion of video lectures by Reformed theologian R.C. Sproul.

    Location: Room 1

    Note: A PDF study guide is available for the class and may be purchased here.

Rochester CRC and Creation Care

Our church installed rooftop solar panels in 2021 to power its building entirely with clean electricity, seeking to encourage environmental stewardship and follow the biblical mandate to care for God’s creation.


According to Rochester Area Interfaith Climate Action, ours is the first solar-powered house of worship in the Rochester area. 


A 90-panel array sends surplus power onto the grid of Rochester Gas and Electric Corp. during the summer and draws electricity from the grid to make up for any shortfall during the shorter, cloudier days of winter. The system’s performance in its first year suggests it will produce about 35,000 kilowatt-hours annually and meet our building’s need.


GreenSpark Solar of Ontario, Wayne County, installed the system. The project cost approximately $72,000, partially offset by a subsidy of about $12,000 from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority.


A financial analysis by GreenSpark estimated that the system will slash the church’s electricity bills by enough to pay for itself within 14 years, The output of the solar panels is covered by a 25-year warranty, and they are expected to generate power for 30 years or more.

Connection Groups

1 Corinthians 14:26

What should be done then, my brothers and sisters?  When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up.

Connection groups are open to all people...Rochester CRC members, non-members, Christians, and non-Christians.

They provide a setting for:

     ... faithful loving of each other as Christ loved us.

     ... understanding what it means to believe and live as followers of Christ.

     ... visitors and new members to immerse themselves in our church life.

     ... people to share joys and struggles with their brothers and sisters in Christ.   

     ... a group to plan service projects that reach out to others in our church or community.

     ... working out the implications and application of the gospel in our lives.


The Connection Groups listed below are open to new participants.

   Cancer Support Group

   1st Saturdays of the month at 10 AM

    Will resume if there is interest again

    Contact: Christina Thompson 880-3275

   Men’s Bible Study

   Weekly Saturday 7:00 AM

    Meeting in the RCRC Lounge

    Contact: Neil van Barneveldt 585-626-8450

   Pickleball Fellowship Group

   Saturdays 11:30 AM

   Meets at Rochester Christian School

   Contact: Phil Tschorke 585-342-3558

   Retiree's Connection Group,

   2nd Tuesday of the month at 10 AM

    Meeting in private homes

    Contact: Shari Harrison 585-301-5227

   Ladies' Connection Crafting Group

   1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 10 AM - Noon

   Meeting in private homes

   Contact: Shari Harrison 585-301-5227

Other groups will form as interest develops.

Email office@rochestercrc.org for answers to general questions. 

Contact the listed individual for more information about any particular group.