Special Causes

Rochester Christian Reformed Church and our parent denomination, CRCNA, support a range of special causes and ministries which meet our criteria for gospel support, congregational involvement, and contribution toward a biblical vision of God's kingdom.  While there is often some overlap, these causes can be divided into three main categories. 

The deacons of RCRC regularly review our relationships with these ministries and may make changes to our emphasis based on several factors including our church’s basic mission, stated needs, local and world events of the day.


Justice ministries help us impact our world and community in areas of inequity between classes, races and cultures.

  • No longer in Rochester, Bethany supports families in US Infant Adoptions (in some states, not NY), Pregnancy Support, and Child Refugee placements.  (www.bethany.org)

  • Our partnership with RCSD School #33 enables us to support children who have multiple challenges.  Our volunteers assist educators by greeting and reading to children.  We support teachers with acts of appreciation. 

  • Recognizing the God-given dignity of all people with a mission to assist refugees and other immigrants with affordable immigration legal services.  (http://www.newhopefree.org/ils)

  • Family Health and Psychological Care Services  (His Branches)

  • With one office in Rochester and one in Webster, Caring Choices helps women (and men) make informed choices about pregnancy and pre-natal care.


Edification refers to teaching.  Teaching to strengthen, build up, prepare.  In this case specifically to improve our understanding of a relationship with God.

  • Reaching inmates with the Good News of Jesus Christ that they might become growing disciples. (goodnewsjail.org)

  • RCRC contributes support to two missionary families. 

    • The Gryglewicz Family serving the people of Haiti. (Gryglewicz)
    • The Higby continues to work on Bible translation.  (Higby)
  • Bringing the Gospel to people, neighborhoods, communities, churches and the world to encourage participation in God’s mission, proclaiming and living out the good news of Jesus. (resonateglobalmission.org)

  • Academic Bible and theology training for aspiring servant leaders. (rocbible.org)

  • Partnering with parents to develop a child's head, heart and hands for Jesus Christ through God's Word and academic excellence. (rochesterchristianschool.org)

  • Each summer, a faith-based sports camp for young people is offered at RCRC.  The purpose of this camp is to develop their personal character and athletic ability in the same context. Offerings support families with financial need. (www.rochestercrc.org/sbtw)

Food and Shelter

Food and shelter are basic human needs.  These ministries help us to extend the hand of Jesus Christ following his example to share our resources in tangible ways that impact lives right now.

  • Funding home construction through Greater Rochester Interfaith Builders (GRIB) to support Greater Rochester Habitat for Humanity. (www.rochesterhabitat.org/)

  • Changing lives and restoring hope of impoverished men, women and children through proper resources and education. (opendoormission.com)

  • Reaching out to inner-city families caught in a cycle of poverty and equips them practically, emotionally and spiritually with meals, clothing and life coaching (rfmission.org).

  • World Renew is a branch of the CRCNA denomination which partners with local churches and organizations around the world to bring holistic programs that transform communities in every area of need. The goal of multiple agencies is systemic, generational change in five key areas: Peace and JusticeCommunity HealthFood SecurityEconomic Opportunity and Disaster Response.  These groups often partner with local Christian agencies to accomplish training and relief of challenged and stricken populations. 

    The congregation of RCRC supports three focus areas:

    • World Renew - Guatemala – ADIP/Maternal Nutrition and Child Health Program initiative
    • World Renew (Disaster Response) - Disaster Response Services lives out God’s love and shares hope with disaster-impacted communities in North America by joining in the restoration of the homes and lives of the most vulnerable survivors. www.worldrenew.net/disaster-response-services
    • World Renew (Hunger) – Helping to supply the needs of those living in poverty through the work of World Renew to break barriers that lead to hunger (worldrenew.net/worldhunger) (Aquaponics) (Sustainable Farming).